The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Wasatch Wigeons Association has joined forces with Utah Department of Wildlife Resources with volunteers and financial support. This program will capture local and migrating waterfowl movements which will assist biologist in determining what wetland areas need the most attention for conservation. |
Trumpeter Swan Survey
Wasatch Wigeons has spearheaded an effort with US Fish & Wildlife Service, Wyoming Wetlands, and the Utah DWR to initiate a migration survey to find out where trumpeter swans migrate to in Utah. The GMS tracking collars will provide real time information on the location of these birds during their annual migrations. We hope to learn what breeding populations of trumpeters migrate through Utah, what routes they take, and where they spend their time while here. In early 2021, WW is also taking the lead with Utah’s DWR, USFWS, Wyoming Wetlands and Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge to conduct the first ever winter live trapping of trumpeters in Utah. This effort will provide information to track their return to their nesting grounds. WW anticipates adding more collars each summer and winter until an appropriate sample size is reached. Your donation will help ensure that Wasatch Wigeons Association can continue this work now and in the future to understand trumpeter swan migration routes that have been previously unknown. Collar tracking will be available online at the WW website and Facebook page. This understanding will help us ensure that trumpeter swans have the greatest protection possible as they travel back and forth to Utah. |