Photo by: American Coots – Riverlands – Nov. 3, 2017 – Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren
Come participate in our Coot Shoot.
Coots are seen as the mud bird that no one wants to hunt in Utah. They have been hunted so little and there are so many that the daily bag limit is 25. What many people do not know is they are a threat, to the waterfowl we love to hunt. How? It turns out that coots will raid duck nest, kill ducklings.... and if you haven't noticed there's a lot of coots (predators) out there. However, other states revere coots as a delicacy and a prized bird to harvest. We have been asked by several local waterfowl hunters, to bring this one of a kind event to Northern Utah. To help promote the harvest of Coots, each participant who successfully harvests two or more coots, on the day of the event will receive a WW Coot leg band, Coot recipe book and automatically enter to win one of two prizes.
This year Recyclops recycling will be co-hosting the event. They have a prize for the person who brings in the most used shells.
Shoot a couple coots pick up some used shells and get entered to win prizes.
Date: 10/14/2023
Bird Check-In
Location #1: Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Old Duckville parking lot,
Time: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Rules & Regulations:
All Federal and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources rules and regulations apply.
Each Participant must register prior to the event.
All participants are responsible for their birds (cleaning and disposal).
Wasatch Wigeons Association is not responsible for any injuries or lost/damaged equipment.
Register by filling in your name and email on the mailing list. Access this by hitting the button below and scrolling to the bottom.